Sunday, June 15, 2008

Libate, Don't Debate, I am Blog-tastic

To all you Grape Nuts*, Barley Hop-ers** and Prolibaters,

A guilty catholic at heart, I entered the world of alcoholic debauchery hesitantly. I am ashamed to admit that I knew little of class, style and fine taste in my early freshman years. My room adorned with drinking posters and my recycling bin full of Milwaukee's Best (better known as The Beast***). Without a doubt, years of drinking Aristocrat Vodka and Bacardi 151 Rum have scorched not only the buds of my tongue, but the taste centers of my brain and perhaps... extinguished the very light that a good drink can bring to a young mans soul. After years of physical, emotional and classiness therapy, I realized that there are affordable and sophisticated alternatives to drinking gasoline.

It is my hope that I may liberate those chained to the funky not so fresh macrobrew concoctions and introduce a world of fantastic taste, not driven by drunken debauchery (though happy party times will be had by all).

So I say to you, it is my souls purpose to guide you through the brewery of your soul to find that beer which will accompany you through life, through thick and thin till tapped is your keg. I welcome you to join this epic adventure in search of the perfect drink. Or dare I say, I invite you on a beer-tastic romp navigating our way through the funky and the skunky in the search of the "crazy delicious".

Andrew Out.
* Grape Nuts = Wine Lover/Afficiando.
** Barley Hop-ers = Sean's term for Beer Drinkers.
*** If the Beast is the Best Milwaukee has to offer. I strongly discourage ever conversing with the citys likely troubled inhabitants.

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